Clifton upon Dunsmore Church of England Primary School

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Physical Education

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7Click here to read about our curriculum offer and download our progression maps

PE at Clifton

The National Curriculum aims for these objectives to be achieved;

·        develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

·        are physically active for sustained periods of time

·        engage in competitive sports and activities

·        lead healthy, active lives

We are confident at Clifton that all four aims are achieved, as we focus on the quality and breadth of our PE curriculum. Therefore, our key focuses are; Athletics, Gymnastics, Invasion Games, Net Games, Outdoor Adventure and Striking and Fielding.

Within Key Stage One, our aim is to focus on the fundamental skills of movement and provide opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others.

Whereas within Key Stage Two, our aim is to build on these skills and further their learning within a wide variety of sports. We focus on the importance of applying skills learnt in competitive situations and the ability to evaluate and recognise their own successes. This academic year we are introducing many new sports, which provides all children with new opportunities and the chance to apply existing skills.

Progression is key.

At Clifton, we strive for all children to be the best that they can be. As a result, we have clearly identified the progression across year groups to ensure we are providing children with the opportunity to develop their skills and apply these within a variety of competitive situations.

Activities and Events

At Clifton upon Dunsmore, we strive to motivate all children, to confidently, lead healthy lifestyles. This academic year we relaunched “Our PE Board” to introduce students leading in sport roles at Clifton and to celebrates and reward children for leading active lifestyles. We feel this continues to be successful and look forward to this carrying on.

Throughout this year, we will participate and compete in a variety of competitive events like Girls/Boys Football Tournaments, Cross Country Championship, Swimming Gala, ASHA fun run, Tag rugby Festival, Rugby Primary Athletics Competition and Sports Day at Clifton.

We will continue to compete in these and many more!

PE Kit

 It is vital that children change their clothes when doing physical activity.  Please ensure that they have the correct, named kit in school on their PE days.  Letters will be sent home where there is no PE kit in school.


Indoor Kit Outdoor Kit - additional to Indoor Kit
Red t-shirt Red or black plain hoodie
Black shorts or PE skirt Black tracksuit bottoms
White socks
Black pumps Trainers
Hair bands for long hair
Your child will also require a coloured t-shirt in their House colour for Team Events

**Please ensure that earrings can be removed by the child

PE Intent Statement
PE Curriculum mapping

ay24 25ltp pe planning clifton.pdf

