Clifton upon Dunsmore Church of England Primary School

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“…speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19 Click here to read about our curriculum offer and download our progression maps

Why Music?

“Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon”

National Curriculum Music (2014)

At Clifton-upon-Dunsmore we love to join together with singing and making music, through our weekly worship, singing assemblies and our musical productions.

Our music lessons are delivered through our Friyay Curriculum.  Every 3 weeks on a carousel system, the classes study a unit of work led by the class teacher which includes reading notation, discovering music types from around the world and playing tuned percussion instruments.

We have a strong choir who meet every week and learn a wide range of songs and singing styles.  We particularly enjoy singing in harmony and encourage our children to listen to each other to enhance their skills in making beautiful sound.  Our choir regularly leads the singing during our worship both in school and in our local church and visit The Elms Home in the village to share their music with the elderly residents.  

We have timetabled for all children to learn the recorder in Year 3 and have an expert teacher deliver this to support the children in learning the skills of reading music while playing.  

Download our Intent Statment for MusicFriyay Timetable 2023-2024National Curriculum Coverage

Music Long Term Plan