Clifton upon Dunsmore Church of England Primary School

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“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.”     Romans 12 : 6

Click here to read about our curriculum offer and download our progression maps

Why Art and Design?

The teaching of art and design allows children to achieve a broad and balanced curriculum. Art and design teaches children about different periods of art, artists, designers and craftmakers from a variety of cultures. Learning new skills and techniques gives children an additional language, a visual one, that provides another means by which to express ideas and process their thoughts. Our world needs creative and progressive thinkers.

Art and design lessons provide opportunities to work in different ways compared to other subjects. Throughout each Year Group the progression of skills will be taught; sometimes a lesson will involve the teaching of skills but at other times, children can explore and combine materials and processes to create their own individual effects, so encouraging independence and risk taking. The fact that, “nothing is wrong,” and mistakes can be positive, may increase a child’s self-esteem and sense of achievement.

If children are inspired and encouraged in art and design, they may use art as an outlet; art can help towards maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle- it may even lead to a career in art and design.

The curriculum will focus on the main skill areas:

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Printing
  • Collage
  • Sculpting

The Visual Elements of shape, colour, pattern, texture, line, tone, form and space will feature highly throughout each lesson and there will be a high focus on Speaking and Listening skills using a visual literacy vocabulary.

Reviewing and refining work will also take a high priority. Being given this “time,” frees and calms the mind and soul.

Children will hopefully experience enjoyment and their lives will be enriched long-term through this vital subject.


At Clifton, we will be covering our Art and Design Curriculum through our weekly Friyay activities.  Each Friday Years 1&2, 3&4 and 5&6 will work together to learn about a different element of Art.  We will be sharing our work with parents through our Sharing Fridays - dates to be arranged

Friyay Timetable 2024-2025

Art Curriculum Yearly Overview


Download our Intent Statement for Art and Design

Art Curriculum Progression Map - Autumn

​​​Art Curriculum Progression Map - Spring

Art Curriculum Progression Map - Summer.pdf